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Philip Seymour Hoffman, Hollywood saluta l'icona del cinema

03/02/2014 | News
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Hollywood saluta l'icona del cinema

La morte di Philip Seymour Hoffman ha sconvolto il mondo del cinema. L'attore era una vera icona e i suoi colleghi di Hollywood, tramite Twitter, hanno manifestato il loro cordoglio. Questi alcuni dei post che abbiamo raccolto.

Ben Stiller:
What a huge loss. A brilliant actor and a warm, generous, humble person. Phil Hoffman.

Susan Sarandon:
Phillip Seymour Hoffman was a genius, brave and sweet. Can't believe he's gone. Huge loss. My deepest sympathy for his wife and children.

Jim Carrey:
Dear Philip, a beautiful beautiful soul. For the most sensitive among us the noise can be too much. Bless your heart. ;^{

James Franco:
Philip Seymour Hoffman -- he was the best of the best -- seems impossible that he's gone.

Jeff Bridges:
I'm so shocked, and so sad hearing of Philip Seymour Hoffman’s death.  I enjoyed playing with him on the Big...

Jon Favreau:
RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman. So sad. Such a great talent. 


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